"Come on, what do you want from me?" Ryan asked.


"How do you know I won’t kill you?" Qin Shaojie asks. "You have to know that a woman is my lamella. If you dare to touch my woman, you are destined to go to hell."
"Hum, then you can do it." Ryan said in a cold voice.
"Hey, no hurry." Qin Shaojie just laughed.
"Remember the last time you said, you seem to like Chinese kung fu? I think, since you like Chinese Kung Fu, you must know a lot about Chinese culture. I don’t know if there is a saying that you have heard of? "
"What words?"
"Boil the frog in warm water and play with him slowly."
Chapter 563 In
Hearing these words, Ryan’s face changed and his eyes looked at the intercom on the sofa.
He has nothing on him except a pair of trousers, and that walkie-talkie is his only hope for help.
"Do you want to use it to call the police?" Qin Shaojie smilingly picked up the walkie-talkie. Without waiting for Ryan to talk, he grabbed the walkie-talkie with his hands and pressed it hard. The walkie-talkie turned into a pile of powder in Qin Shaojie’s hands.
Yes, it’s powder, even if Ryan wants to reassemble it, he can’t assemble it.
Qin Shaojie wants to cut meat with a blunt knife, cook frogs with warm water, and play with Ryan slowly.
"Kill me, and you won’t leave here alive." Ryan bite a tooth, face twisted said.
"Just kidding." Qin Shaojie disdain pie pie, said. "Since I can come in quietly and go out quietly, your men are a little too many. Well, it is ok to start a small local war, but it is not enough for me."
Qin Shaojie said, and casually waved his hand, and several naked women sitting on the ground suddenly had eyelids and fainted without warning.
"Girls should go to sleep first, so as not to have nightmares after seeing bloody scenes, which will affect their physical development." Qin Shaojie murmured.
The necessity, Ryan’s face more ugly, the in the mind also began to panic.
"You, what did you do? Who are you?" Ryan asked with a heavy voice, but he didn’t find it. His voice was already trembling.
"Who am I?" Qin Shaojie leng leng, then laughed.
"Ha ha, Ryan, you also ask this question too idiotic? You don’t know who I am, and you dare to kill Lindsay in front of me? "
Ryan was speechless and simply kept silent.
He really didn’t know who Qin Shaojie was. The Hebrew only told him to speed up and get the inheritance of the Howard family. He also told him that the church would hold Qin Shaojie back, and even told him that the paladin had suffered in his hands.
However, Ryan naively thought that the only thing that could hurt the paladin was the woman who competed with his bodyguard in his home that day, and Qin Shaojie, he was just a gigolo with some money.
Therefore, he made a fatal mistake, that is, underestimating the enemy.
Although Qin Shaojie said that he was not as tall as Dou Re-mei, or even as high as the Northern Ghost, it was a fairy period, and it was easy to deal with him.
"Come on, come on, there’s an assassin." Ryan turned and ran to the door, shouting as he ran, but he was desperate when he reached the door and pulled the doorknob. I don’t know why, but the door handle won’t budge no matter how hard he pulls it.
Qin Shaojie listened funny.
And assassins? You should be your emperor.
"Stop yelling, even if you shout your throat out, it’s useless. The sound insulation effect of your room is not bad, and people outside can’t hear it at all, and the people in this villa have been settled by me." Qin Shaojie looked at Ryan as a clown and said. But I feel that this is like what a rogue said when he wanted to molest a little girl, which made him a little uncomfortable.
Ryan was so depressed that he really wanted to try to shout "broken throat" twice to see if anyone came.
"Come back to me."
Qin Shaojie said, and stretched out a hand, vanity a grasp, Ryan felt the body suddenly out of their control falls back, but also floated up.
"You, what have you done to me, you devil." Ryan is completely alarmed, the body involuntarily floating in the air, looking at Qin Shaojie asked.
"I learned a very interesting thing recently." Qin Shaojie ignored Ryan’s question. He just glanced around and smiled when he saw an iron shelf and handcuffs not far away.
"Is that your playground with them?" Qin Shaojie laughed. "Good, good, you are quite emotional, well this one. Well, I am still worried about the lack of props. I didn’t think that you have prepared everything for me here. Thank you. "
Ryan looked in the direction of Qin Shaojie’s fingers, and suddenly he felt cold sweat all over his body. Seeing Qin Shaojie’s eyes was even more frightening.
What does he want? Damn it, that’s a prop for playing s~m with these women. Does he have a good dragon? Shit, that’s disgusting.
Qin Shaojie only thought that Ryan was afraid, otherwise he would definitely crush his head if he knew that he actually thought he would like men.
No matter how Ryan struggled, how yelling, Qin Shaojie just didn’t hear, and devoted himself to manipulating Ryan with mental skills, fixing him to the iron shelf, and then manipulating the handcuffs to fix his two arms respectively. Then, he made a rope with a whip and fixed Ryan’s legs.
"Hey, see, a brand-new humanoid cross was born." Qin Shaojie enjoyed his masterpiece and smiled proudly.